Friday, June 30, 2006

Superman Returns

So I've seen it. And I imagine I was one of the first at 10pm Tuesday night. Since Superman "V" plays into the creation of this post (read 1st post), I thought I should write my own review: Four out of four stars ****, a fitting tribute to the best Superman films and a great beginning to reignite the franchise. The film makers and actors created their own world while not stomping on the past. We couldn't ask for anything better.

Bat Cave

And who couldn't resist a stop by the original Bat Cave.

Disney Studio

This is the original location of the Disney Bros Animation studio in Los Felices, now a fax and copy center. The owner has a tiny hand painted sign in the window identifying the location.


Not long ago I finished the biography of Walt Disney. It was a great read and I learned a great deal about the man behind the mouse. A friend of mine and fellow Disney buff decided to visit a few historical sites from the book. Most aren't found on any map and are left undiscovered and owned by private individuals. This image is the corner lot in Los Felices where Walt and Roy owned identical homes in the 20s and 30s. The garage is where the original Mickey Mouse cartoons were said to be made in secret while his animators we're being commadeered with Oswald the Rabbit.